“I wrote ‘Come On In’ thinking about a friend I grew up with who is not yet a believer,” Biddle says. “When we were kids, we used to play on a rope swing in a creek near his house. We tried to push each other in when it was cold. One late fall, after a cold spell, I lost the bet to jump in first. Amazingly, the water turned out to be 40 degrees warmer than the outside air. I kept telling him to jump in, but he was hesitant—until he grabbed the swing and did a back flip into the water.”
“That memory felt like a picture of what it means to come to Christ,” Biddle continues. “In Matthew 18, Jesus says ‘…unless you turn and become like children, you will never enter the kingdom of heaven.’ As we get older and gain worldly knowledge, it can be harder and harder to see the simple truth in front of us. We want the truth to accommodate us rather than realizing we need to accommodate to His Truth. Hopefully one day my friend will grab that rope swing and believe me when I say, ‘the water is fine…just jump in.’”

For further information, visit jasonbiddlemusic.com or turningpointpr.com. Follow Biddle on Instagram and Facebook.