“I love reimagining these old hymns because they bring me so much comfort and peace during unprecedented times like these,” Ward says. “The Doxology is a liturgical formula of praise to God—I call it a short love song to the Creator. I’ve heard it my entire life growing up in the church, and it means more to me now than ever.”
“I’ve been creating more original ‘doxologies’—short, expressive songs to God,” he adds. “I’m writing my own new hymns of love and worship and sharing them in hopes of encouraging someone that needs it today like I do. Being able to help point people to God through my life and music is one of my greatest joys.”
Following a lengthy hiatus, Ward returned in January with the highly anticipated Hymns Anew. Produced by Nathan Nockels, the six-song Vibraslap Records release showcases a stable of classics, all with newly penned passages thoughtfully underscoring each song’s message. The project’s centerpiece and title-cut—an original piano ballad petitioning a perennial freshness of faith that honors Christ—was inspired by Ward’s love of hymns and the timeless Truth they carry.
North Georgia-native Sammy Ward first landed in the Christian music spotlight nearly two decades ago with his critically acclaimed 40 Records/Gotee debut, My Passion. After a season of full-time music ministry, Ward launched an entrepreneurial career, founding and managing a variety of tech startups. Despite this vocational shift, which Ward calls a “wild God-sized epiphany,” songwriting and worship leading have continued to be a priority for him through the years. Ward and his wife, Angela, live in the Nashville area with their two daughters.
For further information, visit sammyward.com or turningpointpr.com. Follow Ward on Facebook, Instagram and Twitter.